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Show Us Your Desktop!


A random wiki page idea from [Ringbearer]


Hey there Elfpackers, hit that print screen button and share a pic of your desktop. Just keep the Uploading Art Rules in mind.

Please do not resize your screen shot. Upload it as a huge pic and then scale it like this <img300:stuff/zoloftzantacDesktop.jpg>






[Love like Winter.]




X-Men 3: The Last Stand Opens Friday, May 26, 2006.




[eyes of frost]

Rachel really likes Bleach :)


[Clive Scorch]


[Big Brother]
Ya, ya. it looks like a girly background but it's a good anime series!




[Eyes of the Reaper]
May 2006:

December 2011:


[gods2armys] ok be honnest everyone, who wants aids now ^_^


its the view from the front of my house the sun is so beautyful isnt it ^_^


[Amalaswinta] - made it myself


[Wolfe In Chef's Clothing] - Van Helsing all the way..

[Wolfe In Chef's Clothing] - IPhone home screen, technically my background cause I mainly use my phone, lol! ^n,.,n^


[Elisa] -I'm a 99% The Sims fan and I love gardens...




[Sunrose] - Renewed



Old ones (a lil bit naughty) -><img50*0:stuff/kittys_sexy_desktop2.jpg><img50*0:stuff/kittys_sexy_desktop.jpg>


[Morningstar Rising] All done by little ole me. LOL


[Frosty French Fry]






How to Show Us your Desktop

To the right of the F buttons (like F1 F2 F3) there is a "print screen" button. Pressing it copies your desktop to your clipboard. After that just open up your paint program and paste it in (CTRL+V)

These are fun when they are still full size, if you can't upload images that large to EP lets us know, we might be able to get you some temperary upload privs. ;)


Thanks to [Ringbearer], [zoloftzantac] and [Big Brother] for ideas, help and content.


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2006-04-26 [Kaos101]: are most of those pictures?

2006-04-26 [Wendy]: I got it in my Paint. How do I make it smaller? Photo Bucket keeps making it too tiny!

2006-04-26 [Eyes of the Reaper]: Most are pictures, yes. Pictures, Notepad (since it's quicker and simpler than MS Word), and basic programs...

2006-04-26 [Wendy]: Yay! [Elisa] and I both love The Sims!

2006-04-26 [Love like Winter.]: LMAO! The bunny one is justy too adorable!

2006-04-26 [Wendy]: It is Verissa. She is an angora rabbit. She won 1st place at a show for angoras. I found her online. I had tohave her as my wallpaper!

2006-04-26 [Love like Winter.]: What? Its real?! MY GOD! O,O


2006-04-26 [Wendy]: =DDDDD

2006-04-26 [Love like Winter.]: Holy shitzus! Those are the coolest rabbits ever. I want one! How the heck does it see?

2006-04-26 [skullhead]: is it alive?

2006-04-26 [Love like Winter.]: The 5th one down is my favorite :D

2006-04-26 [zoloftzantac]: wth are those? can they move?

2006-04-26 [Wendy]: Yes. They are real. I oughta make a wiki to educate people about angora rabbits. They are in shows to show off their fur.

2006-04-26 [Wendy]: Yeah! The 5th one down, Donovan. He's pretty cool. All grayish blue. They make me think of Hamtaro...

2006-04-26 [Love like Winter.]: I love it's ears... They stick out more :D

2006-04-26 [Clive Scorch]: You really think the rabbit cares what it's fur looks like, or how clean it is? Only humans want to show off something that serves no real purpose, poor rabbits I say.

2006-04-26 [Wendy]: Some people agree with you. Exploiting their cutenesses like that! HOW DARE THEY!!!!

2006-04-26 [Kaos101]: lol We should have a best desktop award

2006-04-27 [zoloftzantac]: That might be fun, but then people would be tempted to change their desktops just for the contest. Anyways, most of the art would be considered stolen if it was entered in a contest.

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: Very True...but then again I think that's where nominations could very well help us out with that, so that there's not the wrong people. Though I think that may be a little biased

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: How about The Cutest Fluffy Contest!!!! We can submit pics or drawings of fluffies! The cutest fluffy will be declared the winner!

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: what's a fluffy?

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: who here likes my funny pic about the aids com on if you dont laugh it aint cool i think its the funniest sh*t ever ^_^

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: It's true. It's true. It took me forever to get rid of hearing AIDS. Assholes will seriously warp your mind and give you herpes. Ear plugs are your friend. So is "the finger".

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: A fluffy is anything that is fluffy.

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: So a kitten or a rabbit? I don't think I've ever drawn a rabbit...but I'm not really an artist so..

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: YEP i hate the aids man i hear assholes all the damn time i think im going to die soon from all the assholes i hear everyday #_#

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: OH MY GOSH! I was just listening to an A** hole today and I started feeling odd

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: Doesn't that just suck ass!?

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: The only cure is isolation, but...That has negative side effects, like...turning emo.

2006-04-27 [Orestez]: Damn! thats a big ass bunny!

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: which soooooo does not work for me...i'm sorry but I see absolutly no point in acting like the world is out to get you

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: Kidding around. Emos are cool. It's all about self-expression.

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: But still...Sometimes I wish that my lawn was emo. That way, the grass would cut itself.

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: Maybe...but I still would neer consider turning emo

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: lol well that's something to hope for

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: I agree. Is that your bunny?

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: you no i dont realy no im like a lil emo but mostly not but the only good i am here in elf pack, is for helping others with their problems and it makes me happy to know im helping others get better ^_^

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: That's my situation too( and it makes me feel like my life is perfect)

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: I like Emos. A razor comes inside every box! Emos! The Breakfast of Champions!

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: You be careful or that will turn into an actual cereal

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: On a serious note, though...Emos come in all kinds. I know some very cheery emos. I know some very depressed emos. I know emos who cut. I know emos that don't. I don't think anyone knows what it actually is that defines "emo". Everyone has their own view and stereotype. If an emo is reading this, I say unto you: keep being awesomeful!

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: lol you could write a whole book on emos

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: YUMMY I LIKE RAZOR BLADE CEREAL<<<^_^ HEY MOMY< DADY CAN I HAVE SOME PLZ>>>AH SH*T THATS FUNNY^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^_^

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: Yes but it's not callled that...they're called Em-O's. EM-O'S! PAINFUL FUN IN EVERY BOX. IF OYU FIND THE BLOODY RAZORBLADE YOU'LL WIN TWO DOLLARS AND A CHANCE TO MEET DREW CAREY!

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: How about if you find the razor blade, you get to go see My Chemical Romance. That makes more sense.

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: Or the used

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: It's funny that that's actually believeable.

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: How to Dress Emo: It's pretty cool. I like the emo style. I have some pics of me in my house here that are kinda dark. Some say that I look emo. Hardcore emos may not agree. I dunno!

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: Well that brings ups backto your question, how would one define emo

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: Everyone has their own definition of emo.

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: I really hope that I'm not offending anyone. It can be a sensitive subject. If anyone is offended, feel free to contact me and I will send my chinchilla squad to wait on you hand and foot.

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: exactly...that applies to hardcore emo as well



2006-04-27 [Wendy]: Seriously. Take the following sentence and use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar:

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: "last summer i helped my uncle jack off a horse"

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: Option 1: Last summer, I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse.

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: Aye no, usin' inpropor grammmer and shite is perty importnt

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: Option 2: Lat summer, I helped my uncle jack-off a horse.

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: Not using proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar can lead to some weird things.

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: like...?

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: Read above! (Argh! Some people just don't pay attention!!!!)

2006-04-27 [skullhead]: like Jack-off Kaos101 lord of bananaland

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: No I'm lord of Coconutland.

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: i am lord of PRETARDS r us %_%

2006-04-27 [eyes of frost]: Wow, whoever is doing the advertising great job. We have had more entries here in the last few days then we did on the Artistic Nudity page. Lol.

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: HEY WAIT WAT YOU MEAN we are advertizing wat the cool desctop things or the comments im cunfused

2006-04-27 [skullhead]: Don’t think it’s the advertising it’s easier to take a picture of your desktop than it is to take a nude photo or make a drawing.

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: Very True.

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: r u kidding i have a web cam if you 3anna see me nude just say the word and youllsee your self a naked weird guy.........LOL actauly id rather not my girl would kill me and allso all the girls in elfpack would be way to empressed im thinking. thats just wat i think tho so no comment^_^

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: *Doesn't say anything*

2006-04-27 [kittykittykitty]: it's too easy to comment on that. Restrain yourself

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: OH SORRY LOL ill restrain myself b4 i do anything to funny as hell HEHE *_*

2006-04-27 [skullhead]: cant.. restrain, must not comment I.. I cant ..

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: It helps not to think about it

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: go ahead comment why the f*** not

2006-04-27 [skullhead]: We have animal planet for that my friend and hairy white monkey week was last moth

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: But if you try right now you can make the next issue of National Geographic

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: YES ill go for that i might make front page for world sexiest hairy ape ^_^ maybe i could wen front page of the year

2006-04-27 [kittykittykitty]: forget national geographic, you could have your own TV show... documenting the unevolution of man

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: YES ill call the show can you dig the new nudes YES it sounds catchy me likey that,,,,,,hey wait how did we get from talking about the cool posting to talking about EMO to talking about me getting naked REALLY how did we manage this????#_#

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: we're just that good

2006-04-27 [kittykittykitty]: well, to be honest, you were the only person who insisted you were naked through the whole thing...

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: OH yea your right duhhh damn your right my bad +_+

2006-04-27 [skullhead]: can you not remained us of that kk

2006-04-27 [gods2armys]: yea man its coool we can talk about me streaking at the white house latter ok^_^

2006-04-27 [Kaos101]: *nods* let's not speak of it

2006-04-27 [eyes of frost]: Well whatever it is, this page is getting alot of hits.

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: I post about the fluffies. They help us to get lotsa hits. ^__^

2006-04-27 [skullhead]: ok then... bring on the fluffies ha Z lol

2006-04-27 [Wendy]: ^__^ Makes me happy. It's the fluffies that cause the hits.

2006-04-27 [kittykittykitty]: the... fluffies?

2006-04-27 [kittykittykitty]: ri-iight... the fluffies *nods*

2006-05-01 [Yvonniaaah]: cool wiki!

2006-05-02 [zoloftzantac]: umm ..are those rabbits really real? they are kinda freaking me out ....

2006-05-02 [skullhead]: It looks like a stuff animal

2006-05-02 [zoloftzantac]: haha, they remind me of the tribbles from star trek. <img200*0:> (am I dating myself here or what?)

2006-05-02 [Frosty French Fry]: TRIBBLES ARE FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!

2006-05-02 [Wendy]: YESH!!!! I love Tribbles! Great pic! Too bad most of them are dead or dying in that pic cuzza eating the grain.

2006-05-02 [zoloftzantac]: *wipes his forehead* I'm glad you younger folks knew what I was talking about ^_^

2006-05-02 [Wendy]: Tribbles make scary sounds! I had bought a Tribble video box set thinger and it came with a Tribble. It got awfully pissed when skeezied. =,(

2006-05-02 [Frosty French Fry]: haha...little worried there zoloft?

2006-05-04 [zoloftzantac]: hooray!, I only saw pieces of that image before on ET ^_^ I could never find all of the pieces ...

2006-05-04 [Sunrose]: It is hidden in Itay's fanclub though :P

2006-05-04 [Morningstar Rising]: Hello, I tried to upload my image, but its to big, can someone help me. Thanks

2006-05-04 [zoloftzantac]: Try it using the wiki upload at the bottom of this page

2006-05-04 [kittykittykitty]: Could I have the uploading privs to add mine?

2006-05-04 [Kaos101]: Wow Sunrose....looks like you had alot of stuff goin on when you dd that ^_^

2006-05-04 [kittykittykitty]: her life is more interesting than ours :P

2006-05-04 [Kaos101]: Hey! She has msn too!....thouhg I may be behind everyone else in just now finding that out

2006-05-04 [Sunrose]: Kitty wikiprivved ;) // Usually I only work on 1 site at once, if 2 then most likely ET and EP. I hate it if the taskbalk is really full.. // Of course I have MSN! You're not the only one here who doesn't have it Kaos, so no worries :p

2006-05-04 [Kaos101]: who said I didn't have it? ^_^

2006-05-04 [Wendy]: Sweet! [Sunrose] has a little tavern on her desktop.

2006-05-04 [zoloftzantac]: yeah, I love that drawing, and you see who cleans up after all of the ET people :p

2006-05-04 [skullhead]: Pore [Hedda] always the butt of the jokes

2006-05-04 [zoloftzantac]: I love that part of it ^_^ he looks so happy!

2006-05-04 [Morningstar Rising]: Thanks. I tried but it says that the image is still to big. Should I size it down?

2006-05-04 [gods2armys]: ET PHONE HOME JUST LOST HIS ??? <img:>

2006-05-04 [Kaos101]: that's an interesting theory

2006-05-04 [gods2armys]: yep i bet hes hurting lots right now LOL,,,, [



2006-05-04 [skullhead]: ET phone hospital.. lol

2006-05-04 [eyes of frost]: Lmao.

2006-05-04 [Kaos101]: ET phone plummer

2006-05-05 [eyes of frost]: Lmao. OMG!!! Stop or I will die from laughter!

2006-05-05 [gods2armys]: ET PHONE PLASTIC SURGEON ^_^

2006-05-05 [eyes of frost]: ....

2006-05-05 [Kaos101]: ET phone vasectomy surgeon

2006-05-05 [Love like Winter.]: O,O

2006-05-05 [skullhead]: lol lol... hahah

2006-05-05 [kittykittykitty]: ... thankies sunny for privs ^_^

2006-05-05 [skullhead]: hahaha that’s the best joke today girl you need to enter the next EP Joke contest

2006-05-05 [kittykittykitty]: mmmm sexy desktop ^_^

2006-05-06 [zoloftzantac]: foxy fishnets ;)

2006-05-06 [Kaos101]: I sure do love a good game of poker

2006-05-06 [Ringbearer]: Who doesnt ^_^

2006-05-06 [Kaos101]: you think that fox has a good hand? She does have an ace, though that couold be misleading. I'm thinking she may have a royal flush.

2006-05-06 [Ringbearer]: My bet is that she's bluffing.

2006-05-06 [Kaos101]: You think so? You think you may be right. After all she took her clothes off in order to take away the attention to her cards

2006-05-06 [Ringbearer]: I'd call her anytime.

2006-05-06 [Wendy]: What is that Pikachu icon on [kittykittykitty]'s desktop for?

2006-05-06 [gods2armys]: pikachu might just be having a good al time hanging around getting a buzzz you know him right^_^

2006-05-06 [Wendy]: Mmhm! I love Pikachu and I always know the juicy gossip revolving around him. He's so bad ass!

2006-05-06 [gods2armys]: i dont know i prefer charzard hes bad ass reminds me of myself for how laid back i am and dont giv a damn about ash *_*

2006-05-06 [Wendy]: <img:>

2006-05-06 [Wendy]: Ash is so stupid! Why the hell would he get rid of Charizard!? Dumbass...

2006-05-06 [gods2armys]: yea the lil BITCH HE IS ID SAY i love that guy why the hell did he let him go i sure wouldnt

2006-05-06 [kittykittykitty]: pikachu is the icon for ---> <img200*0:stuff/kitty_pokemon_columns.jpg> ^____^ *luffers pokemon*

2006-05-06 [Wendy]: OMG! Is that Pokemon Tetris or something? What IS that?

2006-05-06 [kittykittykitty]: uhh not tetris, columns... when you make a group disappear it says "piikachu!" ^_^

2006-05-06 [Domiera]: columns is sooo wicked!!!!!

2006-05-06 [Kaos101]: but pikachu columns is not as wicked

2006-05-06 [Domiera]: still purty cool tho

2006-05-06 [Kaos101]: hehe, I used to know all of the pokemon, but my mind has slipped...lets see: That's pickachu, charmander, jolteon and...starmie I think

2006-05-06 [kittykittykitty]: and articuno... but I had just got rid of a group of those ^_~

2006-05-06 [Kaos101]: of course of course

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: Hello, I am still trying to load my desktop screen but I can't. I tried loading it here, but it says that it is to big. Can I please get some help. Thankyou. 

2006-05-07 [zoloftzantac]: [Morningstar Rising]: how big is your file? Are you useing the wiki upload on this page? are you uploading a bitmap? maybe save it as a jpeg? If that doesn't work I'll give you better privs for a day

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: okay thanks I will look into it and find out.

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: Its says bitmap, Dimensions 1280 x 1024, 3.75MB

2006-05-07 [kittykittykitty]: save it as a jpeg instead. It should work then :P

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: Thanks loads I will try that

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: Thanks loads guys that did the trick. *hugs to ALL*

2006-05-07 [zoloftzantac]: ^_^

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: This is so cool. I love all the desktops.

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: thank you so much i was wondering wat you think of mine lol ^_^ that one my mom had in realife i just added it to my screen HEHE^_^

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: I love it, its cool and funny.

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: oh thank you so much your so nice^_^

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: Just speaking the truth and you are welcomed.

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: cool cool anyway so have you seen the sound bites uploads yet if you havent heres my own if you wanna her some funny clips of my voice i have made gods2armys soundbite gallery ]

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: cool I will check it out and no I have not been there yet.

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: yep its all fun lol if you like it tell me so kk ^_^

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: Left you a comment.

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: I really need to make some soundbites. I'm an entertainer. Should be interesting.

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: Me not entertainer. Will be cool to listen to though.

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: I can sing, I can do voice acting, etc.

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: Envy you, I can't hold a note to save my life. I do sing, but it is so awful, my dog and cats cry. LOL

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: If it's any consolation, I am horrible at mathematics. Well, anything that bores me, really. Nothing a little training can help with. ^__^

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: Some people are blessed in some areas, some are cursed in others. I have natural talent. Others have to really work hard at it. When it comes to math, I have to be tutored.

2006-05-07 [Morningstar Rising]: I can't do math in my head, but give me a calculator and I can do anything on it. I am no math wiz thats for sure. But no matter how hard I may train my voice, trust me it sucks big time. LOL

2006-05-07 [gods2armys]: thank you so much [Wendy] and [Morningstar Rising] for leaving me those nice comments ^_^

2006-05-07 [Kaos101]: Well I guess that leaves me out on a limb...I'm terrific in both math and science...except chemistry

2006-05-07 [zoloftzantac]: But that what chemistry is ... math and science

2006-05-07 [Firenze]: Chemistry involves a lot of mathematical calculations and I am useless at maths and am taking Chemistry

2006-05-07 [Kaos101]: yes but my teacher doesn't explain things right...I was good at it first semester...but new teacher

2006-05-07 [twinkletoes]: I LOVE's my favorite class

2006-05-07 [Kaos101]: weird...Math is my favorite class...academic class anyway

2006-05-07 [Firenze]: Psychology is my favourite subject ^_^

2006-05-07 [Kaos101]: Of course it is Ms. likes to get inside people's minds

2006-05-07 [Firenze]: lol, I am not that good yet ^_-

2006-05-07 [Kaos101]: But you wish you were

2006-05-07 [Firenze]: Not really...would be too messy

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: I <3 English.

2006-05-07 [Firenze]: I hate is boring...

2006-05-07 [twinkletoes]: i like english too...i love reading

2006-05-07 [Kaos101]: I like English....we play connect-fou all day

2006-05-07 [Wendy]: I also like ancient history and spelling.

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